The Benefits of Residential Care Homes

Benefits of Residential Care Homes

You may not be aware of this, but residential care homes exist in most traditional neighbourhoods countrywide. Sometimes referred to as board or adult homes, these residences provide a homey environment for seniors who are not in a situation to live alone.

These homes are a great option for families seeking a more personal touch of care for their loved ones. They provide care to small groups of adults over 60 years and are typically situated in regular neighbourhoods as they are often private homes converted for small group living.

A residential care home offers a higher level of care with more personalized care and staff agent since each home contains few residents.

So why consider residential care homes. Below are some advantages of residential care homes such as Bethany Homes.

Home-like setting

Unlike with larger assisted living facilities, residential care homes offer a home-like atmosphere. Seniors receive home-cooked meals, and since they are fewer in number, their personal preferences are easily met.

These homes suit many residents who don’t fancy large facilities and find living in smaller groups easier. Besides, most seniors love traditional houses as they can sit on the front porch or have some quiet time in the backyard. Furthermore, they can enjoy their meals in a comfortable dining room unlike a huge dining room

Visitors too like the homely atmosphere and feel like they are visiting their loved one in their own homes. Residents also have the liberty to go out of the homes for leisure walks or shopping.


Unlike most assisted living centers, residential care homes are cheaper. These homes often cost almost half of what most assisted living centers cost, although it’s exclusive of medical attention.

What’s more, because of their small size and specialized care, residential care homes offer an attractive deal than most assisted living facilities.

Sufficient number of staff

Residential care homes often have adequate staff to provide immediate and personalized care for the residents. The high number is also meant to facilitate stronger relationships building between residents and caregivers.

This works to the residents’ advantage since they see familiar faces every other day instead of an ever-changing staff.

Healthier and safer environment

Keeping seniors safe and healthy is a top priority in residential care homes.

These homes are designed for accessibility and mobility to prevent falls and minimize dangers. There are raised toilets, walk-in showers, grabs bars and so forth to minimize falls.

On that same note, security is also a guarantee. Seniors are often targets for break-ins which can cause worry for the family. Residential care homes are equipped with alarm systems and other security features to provide ample security and peace of mind.

Remedy for loneliness

Once a person retires and is confined at home, loneliness starts to creep in. Loneliness then results in depression and other medical issues such as high blood pressure. However, in residential care homes, older adults are unlikely to feel lonely as they share the residence with other people their age. These homes also offer social outlets for different personalities, and a senior can find friends who enjoy the same activities.

Peace of mind for family

In most cases, the family takes care of their elderly family members. This often becomes challenging since they also have a family and a life to take care of. With residential care homes, you can be at peace knowing your loved one in in a safe place with all their needs being sufficiently met. Family members can also have an easier time without having to juggle between tasks too much.