Hernia Lawsuit: What are the settlement options available for the victim?

Hernia Lawsuit

Did you implant a hernia mesh but now suffer with serious injuries? Did you receive injuries like chronic pain, sexual inability, indigestion, and constipation?

If you are also a victim of the same, then you have landed on the right page. In this post, we will discuss Hernia mesh injuries, settlement options, and more. So, let’s get started!

What are Hernia Mesh Lawsuits?

Hernia Mesh lawsuit is a legal allegation against the mesh manufacturer by patients who suffered potential injuries and risks because of mesh failure. The lawsuit will claim against the manufacturer in order to mislead the doctors against mesh quality and risks involved in it.

The legal settlement in this litigation was 3000 with an amount date of $184 billion in 2011.

People who filed hernia mesh claims are possibly suffering from hernia mesh problems that required surgical reparations. The patients suffering from the damages have to weigh medical bills, injections, loss of quality of life, pain, and more.

The manufacturers can accuse for the following:

  • Deliver defective product
  • Designing a wasteful product
  • Failed to warn doctors and patients about the risks involved in it.

What is the current position of the Hernia mesh lawsuit?

By checking stats, approximately 17,134 cases are pending in lawsuits against medical drugs in federal court in Ohio. The cases are rescheduling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Hopefully, the process will start by summer 2021.

What conditions lead to Hernia Mesh lawsuit?

People can file the hernia mesh lawsuit if they are suffering with the following complications. However, some people have confirmed their major complication even after the recovery surgery.

You can easily file the case, if you have been suffering with the same.

  • Pain- if it lasts for months and a year.
  • Inflammation- the hernia mesh implant may create complications to bowel movements.
  • Infection- the use of damaged or defective mesh caused major infection in the body.
  • Damage of mesh- if the implant gets damaged, it leads to revision surgery or frequent medications of pain and infection.
  • Damage of other tissues- defective hernia mesh has damaged the other body parts and tissues.
  • Long-term body issues- if patients have delayed the complications, they might suffer with long-term issues.
  • Groin pain- the patient might feel pain or swell on the groin.

Who can expect the Hernia Mesh claim?

You have the right to file a Hernia mesh claim if you had mesh surgery and suffer from serious complications, most importantly if you have received mesh from manufacturers like Ethicon, Bard Davol, and Atrium.

Major keys points to check:

  • Hernias mesh surgery after Jan 1, 2006.
  • If the patient is suffering from serious injuries like hard bowel movements, organ damage, and more.
  • Revise hernia mesh surgery
  • If the surgeon told you that you need to revise surgery because of complications.


Many patients have filed a Hernia mesh claim, but one must ensure all the medical proofs in their hands. Hence, hernia mesh lawyers will fast-track your case.